After Hours Access

Please Note: After-Hours Building Access is separate from Loading Dock access. Please click here for information on Loading Dock access.

After-hours building access is before 6:00 a.m. and after 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, and all day on Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays. Any time of the day or night, the building’s management or security staff can be reached by calling the Office of the Building at (312) 930-9890. Outside of normal building hours, the 10 and 120 South Riverside buildings operate as “closed” buildings. After hours, tenants and guests must comply with one of the methods listed below to obtain access to the building:

Building ID Card

A building ID will provide entrance to the building 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. After hours, tenants must use the ADA accessible door at the south main lobby entrance. The ID card sensor is on the ADA station. Once in the building, the card must be used at the security desk sensor to gain access to the elevators, in the elevators, and again to leave.

After-Hours Access Request

If a tenant expects after-hours guests, vendors, and/or employees without 24/7 access, arrangements must be made prior to entry. Anyone requiring after-hours access needs keys to the space or a tenant representative to physically accompany them, especially in the case of guests or vendors. Security is not able to open a tenant’s space to allow visitors into the space. To register an after-hours visitor, please create a visitor request in Building Engines.

Verbal Approval

If a person attempting to enter the building does not possess a valid building ID card or is not pre-registered, a member of Security will call the tenant contact to request that the visitor be entered into the system. If a tenant contact cannot be reached, or if the tenant contact refuses the guest, the person will not be permitted entry.

Access for New Employees

To obtain a Photo ID, new employees should place a service request online for a new card and then go to the Security Office to have their photo taken. Photos are taken at the Security Office in the Lobby of 10 South Riverside Plaza every Monday & Friday between 10:00am and 11:00am and on Wednesdays between 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm. A member of the Security staff will deliver the ID to the tenant contact.

Replacement Cards / Tenant Change Notice / Card Collection

Any employee’s Photo ID that is lost, damaged, or defective, should be reported to security via Building Engines, the Online Work Order System. A replacement will be delivered to the tenant contact within 24 hours of receipt of the service request. There will be a charge for lost or damaged ID cards that will appear on your company’s monthly statement. Personal checks and cash will not be accepted by the Office of the Building for replacement IDs. The tenant contact will be responsible for handling payment by individual employees once the monthly statement is received from the building.
In the event that an employee leaves voluntarily or is terminated, the tenant contact will need to place a service request online to deactivate the employee’s security access card. Please indicate the employee to the building management and building security so that the card can be disabled as soon as possible. Any questions pertaining to IDs should be directed to the Office of the Building at (312) 930-9890.
